Sunday Sewing!

Leaf_GarlandaI've been waiting all week to share this sewing project that I put together last weekend!!!  Hurry out and pick up some colored leaves before they all brown to put together this garland for your door.  It didn't take long at all and lasted for a whole week before a big gust of wind pulled it down. Here's how I made it :)  First, I gathered a ton of maple leaves and since it was early in the morning and they were slightly damp, I "oven dried" them!  Yes, I put the oven on as low as it would go and gave them about 2 minutes in there so I didn't get my sewing machine totally wet when stitching them up.  DSC_0014

Then I simply ran them through the sewing machine (with white thread) being careful to make sure there were always two leaves going through at the same time so the garland had a full look to it. I just kept going until I thought it was long enough and then went outside and tried and it worked out to be the perfect length!

DSC_0029Happy Crafting!

Nuts about Nectar Skin Bar!

Haute Papier recently visited Nectar Skin Bar and to say we're a little gaga is an understatement!  We fell completely in love with the ambience - it's calm and romantic wrapped into one soothing locale.  Great for a break from all the bridal brainstorming or for your spa services the day of the wedding, Nectar has it all!  While you're there, don't forget the groom-to-be!  Nectar carries a wide array of wonderful and exclusive products for him and her.  Oh!  And did I mention that we can walk there in about 5 minutes from our Georgetown studio?  Heaven! Post8.30

Make Your Own FONTS!!!

Today for Make-It Monday, I wanted to share my experiences in making your own font!  For our new Bold & Beautiful line, we had to create a couple of our own fonts since some of the metal type we purchased does not have a corresponding computer font.  So, to do this, we foil stamped each of our letters and then scanned them into the computer and fiddled with them as best possible in Illustrator to make them look pretty (and by pretty, I mean straight lines and the same height). This was a tedious task and the letters aren't perfect, but it will allow us to proof your orders in our foil stamp fonts to be sure you like the look before we print! Then we places all of the little letters and glyphs in the template from and then clicked create font and they did the rest!  It was $9.95 for their services (well worth it, if you ask me!)

Here is our first go:


And this is our new monogram font:


and my favorite (and reminiscent of my wedding reception venue):


You can make your own font here! Let us know how it goes!