Make-it Monday!

We're excited to introduce Make-it Mondays!  Each Monday tune in for a new DIY project from the ladies of Haute Papier. First up is a little origami with one of our favorite papers from our friends at Smock.  We carry their full line of flat papers in Leesburg - come by the retail store to pick some up for your very own paper folding projects. kusudama_origami_flowerMaterials:

  • 5 square pieces of paper (you can actually use any size you like as long as it's square)
  • glue or double-sided tape

How to:


Fold the paper in half, creating a triangle


Take the left and right corners and fold them up to the middle


Fold the same pieces down to the right and left outside edge of the square. What was the inner fold, will line up with the edge of the outer square - see the picture below...


Open up the pockets you've just created and press them down. The image below shows the right side with this step done, be sure to do it on both sides.


Fold the small triangles towards you on each side so they are level with the edges of the paper.  This is what makes the little "petals" on the inside of the completed flower.


Fold the triangle in half on each side, using the crease you made earlier.


Apply glue or double-sided tape on the outside triangle, stick it to the other side. This is your first petal. To complete the flower, you need to make 4 more of these petals and glue them together.



Happy Crafting!!!

That TYPE of day

We've been running around here trying to get our Silk Stationery line out the door all day long (and since we were successful we'll have more on that next week)!  Every one in a while when we're not glued to our computers, we'll put on a movie or one of the guilty pleasure tv shows we're not allowed to watch at home just to pass the time.  Now because Sarah and I bypassed design school, neither of us had seen the documentary "Helvetica" which has graced my my Netflix cue for some time.  We finally got around to watching it today.  For anyone who is unfamiliar, "Helvetica" traces the history of the most common typeface used today and inserts commentary by prominent typographers.  The documentary got us thinking and discussing how we use different typefaces to create emotions for our own clients.  If you're at all interested in typography it certainly is a must see.  It also provides just enough artist ranting to bring on some fits of laughter.


Washington Printmakers Gallery

34 In a city that calls itself home to the most visited museums and art galleries in the nation, it's easy for a boutique gallery for art and education to get forgotten.  But the Washington Printmakers Gallery is a gem for guests and locals alike.  During my most recent outing to the gallery back in July, compelled to return by the exhibit "Meet Your Printmaker", I was reminded of how much I enjoy every visit to the space that dedicates it's walls to an art form often forgotten in our larger galleries.  As a printer, I'm always inspired by what I see fellow printers creating and it's refreshing to remember that letterpressing can be art and not just a business model!

So if you've not visited the Washington Printmakers Gallery, I certainly encourage you to visit the DuPont Circle based gallery at your next opportunity.  The gallery is open seven days a week, is free to the public and features a fabulous lecture series for it's more impressed guests!