Washington Printmakers Gallery

34 In a city that calls itself home to the most visited museums and art galleries in the nation, it's easy for a boutique gallery for art and education to get forgotten.  But the Washington Printmakers Gallery is a gem for guests and locals alike.  During my most recent outing to the gallery back in July, compelled to return by the exhibit "Meet Your Printmaker", I was reminded of how much I enjoy every visit to the space that dedicates it's walls to an art form often forgotten in our larger galleries.  As a printer, I'm always inspired by what I see fellow printers creating and it's refreshing to remember that letterpressing can be art and not just a business model!

So if you've not visited the Washington Printmakers Gallery, I certainly encourage you to visit the DuPont Circle based gallery at your next opportunity.  The gallery is open seven days a week, is free to the public and features a fabulous lecture series for it's more impressed guests!