Sunday Sewing!

Leaf_GarlandaI've been waiting all week to share this sewing project that I put together last weekend!!!  Hurry out and pick up some colored leaves before they all brown to put together this garland for your door.  It didn't take long at all and lasted for a whole week before a big gust of wind pulled it down. Here's how I made it :)  First, I gathered a ton of maple leaves and since it was early in the morning and they were slightly damp, I "oven dried" them!  Yes, I put the oven on as low as it would go and gave them about 2 minutes in there so I didn't get my sewing machine totally wet when stitching them up.  DSC_0014

Then I simply ran them through the sewing machine (with white thread) being careful to make sure there were always two leaves going through at the same time so the garland had a full look to it. I just kept going until I thought it was long enough and then went outside and tried and it worked out to be the perfect length!

DSC_0029Happy Crafting!

Papers + Presents


Papers + Presents is an adorable store in Wellesley, Massachusetts! Carolyn McCoy had an eye for stationery at a young age! Thanks to the inspiration from hometown store in Virginia, Carolyn established a store all her own years later. Papers + Presents is a unique and trendy place to pick up some gifts or just find goodies for yourself. Here at Haute Papier we just had to find out more from Carolyn.

How many years have you been in business? I started my business 23 years ago.  Wow!

Do you have a website, if so, what's the address? (on the verge of debuting our new site - with  our fresh new look.  stay tuned!)

If you were to sell something other than stationery, what would it be? If I didn't have the shop, I think it would be fun to have a cool restaurant.

Besides the obvious (stationery ), what is your favorite thing to give as a hostess gift? For hostess gifts, if i don't give stationery, I like to give a nice bottle of wine (with a darling, custom hang tag!) or a jar of nam's bits (again with my custom label - xoxo, carolyn + tim)

Here at Haute Papier, we love to eat!  When in NYC for the National Stationery Show, where is your favorite place to grab dinner? For eats in NYC - Cipriani and Buddakan are faves. YUM!!!

Any other tidbits about your store you'd like to share? We just renovated our store.  Having been in this space for 12+  years, we felt it needed a little lovin'.  I am really happy with the renovation.  Come visit if you are in the Boston area.