Make-It Monday from Colorado!

NecklaceGreetings from Breckenridge!  I'm here on a little get-away at our friend's beautiful home before the holiday rush begins at Haute Papier!   Yesterday we went for a great hike and then visited the Summer Fun Park at the bottom of the gondola where we panned for gems.  Yes, panned for gems with all of the kids.  I did ask and we weren't the first adults to take part!  Once we saw the gorgeous pieces of granite and quartz that the youngings were uncovering, I couldn't resist the urge to make a necklace from them. The process was simple.  I purchased some silk cording, thin gold wire and a bead to act as a fastener at the end of the necklace at the bead store in town and then went to town on wrapping our findings.  I left a loop at the top of the stone to tread it onto the silk and tied little knots at the end so I could adjust the length of the necklace. Isn't it pretty?



PressesareinOur stars aligned today when the incredibly talented riggers at Commercial Rigging, Inc in Woodbridge, VA succeeded in getting all three of our presses, including the new massive 12x18 C&P's from our friends at Boxcar Press into our new warehouse space in Rosslyn, Virginia.  (Yes, run on sentence.  That's what you get when we've been up since 5am and just stopped working at 7pm)  More pictures to come next week!  We took a ton and can't wait to share them.  For now, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU from the bottom of Erin and my heart's to our team, our riggers and our friends for making this happen!!! Happy Weekend to All!

Want to win LETTERPRESSED Coasters?!

NamingContest We're just so excited!  Our new presses are almost here.  Despite a few bumps in the road with the trucking company, the rigging company now has our presses and they'll be delivered to our new larger warehouse in Arlington, Virginia tomorrow!  One last task, well, I guess there are many, but one last one you can help us with!  We need to name them!  Our other C&P is Gertrude since she's got a great work ethic and is a strong lady!  Now, we're looking for the most creative names for these two!  They're Chandler & Price 12x18 presses (one has a Kluge feeder) and since they're coming as partners in crime, we're hoping to name them as a pair.

Winner gets a set of boxed coasters from our new Fall Collection!  Your choice!

It's as simple as commenting on this post - we'll pick a winner next Friday (September 23rd) at noon!  Good luck!

(Thank you SO much to our friends at Boxcar Press for these lovely photos!)

Kyle Fine Stationery

Kyle-Stationery-Blog-2 Kyle Fine Stationery is an exceptional store in the heart of Tuscaloosa, Alabama with a wide variety of products. She carries some of Haute Papier's most popular lines. This past year has been a year of change for Shelley and her team but remains to impress with all the beautiful stationery and gift selections. We at Haute Papier were eager to ask her more questions.

How many years have you been in business? We have been in business 7 years this September. We were a department of our family office products and design business and in January of this year moved around the corner into our own store, which is much more US!

Do you have a website, if so, what's the address? Our web site is under construction:

If you were to sell something other than stationery, what would it be? Shelley would be selling flowers, antique linens and silver, table top (it was too hard to say just one thing) if she was not in the stationery business.

Besides the obvious (stationery ), what is your favorite thing to give as a hostess gift? She usually gives the gift flowers/blooming orchid plant as a hostess gift.

Here at Haute Papier, we love to eat!  When in NYC for the National Stationery Show, where is your favorite place to grab dinner? When we asked her where she loves to eat when she is at the National Stationery Show Shelley responded, so many, it is hard to choose. My daughter lives in mid-town Manhattan, some of her neighborhood favorites are mine, as well. Casa Lula, Taboon, Gramercy Tavern is a favorite, la Bilbouquet for a late lunch.

Any other tidbits about your store you'd like to share?

We love making our customer’s happy, either by helping to turn their vision into a reality, creating the perfect piece for their event, or helping to design personal correspondence to characterize their personality.

Give her a whirl, Pearl!

We had a bittersweet moment at Haute Papier this weekend as we said farewell to our first letterpress, Pearl.  Our lovely Golding Pearl No. 11 Improved 7×11 press has officially been adopted by Sarah Hanks, Ltd. We're super excited for Sarah to get started on Pearl and can't wait to see what they print together for this year's National Stationery Show!  We will of course miss our girl, but we have countless fond memories of our time together! Post-9.13