Make-It Monday from Colorado!

NecklaceGreetings from Breckenridge!  I'm here on a little get-away at our friend's beautiful home before the holiday rush begins at Haute Papier!   Yesterday we went for a great hike and then visited the Summer Fun Park at the bottom of the gondola where we panned for gems.  Yes, panned for gems with all of the kids.  I did ask and we weren't the first adults to take part!  Once we saw the gorgeous pieces of granite and quartz that the youngings were uncovering, I couldn't resist the urge to make a necklace from them. The process was simple.  I purchased some silk cording, thin gold wire and a bead to act as a fastener at the end of the necklace at the bead store in town and then went to town on wrapping our findings.  I left a loop at the top of the stone to tread it onto the silk and tied little knots at the end so I could adjust the length of the necklace. Isn't it pretty?
