Our Newest Product!

We're excited to finally have some pictures to share of one of our favorite products we launched back in May at the National Stationery Show.  Our Executive Note Pads come in three different sizes (small, skinny and large) and in a bunch of different combo packs.  Best part?  The pricing!  Our small pad retails for $11, skinny for $13 and large for $16!  Each pad comes with 75 sheets of paper personalized with your color (or colors), monogram, motifs, etc!  With over 80 fonts, 80 monograms, 80 motifs and an endless abundance of different ink colors, it doesn't get much more customized than this!!!  To order, give us a call (866.740.4222) or email us at info (at) hautepapier (dot) com!!Executive_Note_Pads_Intro

Get To Know Erin!

Post9.20 We could all see this coming... As promised, Haute Papier co-owner extraordinaire, Erin Miller, shared a few little known facts about herself.  I think it's safe to say she doesn't take herself too seriously ... or does she?!?

  • My mother has lived in Phuket, Thailand for the past 12 years - I've visited 6 times!
  • I've only made one meal that my husband has flat-out rejected. Tofu Taco Salad. I didn't think it was that bad.  He just really really like the real thing!!
  • I bleed Duke Blue!
  • I use an awful lot of exclamation points when I write (clearly!)
  • I'm terrible with idioms. I either don't get them or mix them up or something. They are generally not a part or speech for me.
  • I'm a planner so if it's not on my calendar a week in advance it's probably not going to happen.  This makes being Etta's mommy a challenge at times!
  • Cameron and I plan to travel around the country on a trike someday. If you see us ... wave!
  • Gross alert ... I secretly love when my pug licks my feet (which by the are very odd looking!)
  • I love love love to camp and I love camp food!

Feel free to contact Erin anytime at erin@hautepapier.com  Amongst other things, she's awesome at answering any accounting questions you may have!

Vendor Spotlight- Paces Papers

PacesPapers2 Haute Papier is excited to feature Paces Papers in Atlanta, Georgia. Paces Papers is an elegant stationery store in the heart of Atlanta. Their wonderful staff can help you find a wide variety of papery and gifts. Jackie Howard, owner extraordinaire, has been in Atlanta for almost forty years and has been supplying multiple generations with their stationery needs! Haute Papier asked Jackie and her ladies some of our favorite questions:

How many years have you been in business?  Jackie has owned Paces Papers for 37 years.  Store manager, Emmi, has been with Paces Papers for over three years.

If you were to sell something other than stationery, what would it be?  I'd love to sell art - run a gallery, or maybe a bakery.

Besides the obvious (stationery), what is your favorite thing to give as a hostess gift?  Emmi enjoys giving a bottle of champagne.

Here at Haute Papier, we love to eat! When in NYC for the National Stationery Show, where is your favorite place to grab dinner? I usually stay with friends so they show me great little places- Brown and Orange in the lower east side are wonderful with a daily changing dinner menu and delicious baked egg skillets for breakfast. Also, Emmi has recently discovered Roberta's Pizza in Brooklyn- yum!!

Any other tidbits about your store you'd like to share? Every once and a while we try to have arts and crafts time, just as a little break. We'll make paper flowers, paper dresses, a new display for the store. Emmi says that it keeps the creative juices flowing-- plus glitter is usually involved-- who could be un-cheered by that?

Introducing Emily!

Emily_Introduction You may have already met Haute Papier's Queen of Proofing, Emily, since she's been doing it for a while, but we held her down and got her to share a few fun facts about herself, just like Kate did last week... Something tells me, Erin and I are going to have to go next!

Here's what she said:

  • *I am a coffee aficionado– I especially love iced coffee. It's part of my daily ritual (especially in the summer), but I drink it in the winter as well!  (I can attest to this one - Emily is NEVER without an iced coffee in her hand!)
  • * I spent two weeks traveling and volunteering in South Africa. Capetown is breathtaking and well worth the 19-hour flight.
  • * I am a horrible cook, but I love watching the Food Network.

Thanks for sharing Emily!!!