Introducing Erin!

Welcome to Erin Murray, Haute Papier‘s new printer extraordinaire!  It wasn't too terribly hard to pin Erin down to give us a few fun facts about herself … here goes!

  • *I'm a total chocolateholic!  I could eat chocolate all day, everyday and never, ever feel satisfied!
  • * My dream is to live in a Hobbit house someday.  Yes, you read that correctly, a Hobbit house, Shire and all!
  • * I love love love HUGE dogs!  Nope, I've never owed one, but I just love them when I see them on the street.

Awesome!  Thanks for sharing Erin!!!



Introducing Purnima!

You may have already met Haute Papier‘s newest proofer extraordinaire, Purnima, since she’s been with us for a few weeks now, but we insisted she share a few fun facts about herself … make sure you pass along an extra special 'welcome' next time you speak with Purnima!

Here’s what she said:

  • *I really like the Haute Papier Coasters!!  I enjoy putting together all the different combinations of motifs, monograms, and fonts and seeing what people's creativity with them.  I would have never thought to letterpress coasters ever before I came to Haute Papier - they're my favorite product we sell!
  • * I visited Turkey for a day on my way to Bangladesh and that was a awesome experience! I loved going to the grand bazaar in Sultanahmet, seeing all the hand made crafts and rugs and eating all the local food!
  • * Since I'm South Asian, rice is absolutely the #1 food that I cannot live without.

Thanks for sharing Purnima!!!

Get To Know Erin!

Post9.20 We could all see this coming... As promised, Haute Papier co-owner extraordinaire, Erin Miller, shared a few little known facts about herself.  I think it's safe to say she doesn't take herself too seriously ... or does she?!?

  • My mother has lived in Phuket, Thailand for the past 12 years - I've visited 6 times!
  • I've only made one meal that my husband has flat-out rejected. Tofu Taco Salad. I didn't think it was that bad.  He just really really like the real thing!!
  • I bleed Duke Blue!
  • I use an awful lot of exclamation points when I write (clearly!)
  • I'm terrible with idioms. I either don't get them or mix them up or something. They are generally not a part or speech for me.
  • I'm a planner so if it's not on my calendar a week in advance it's probably not going to happen.  This makes being Etta's mommy a challenge at times!
  • Cameron and I plan to travel around the country on a trike someday. If you see us ... wave!
  • Gross alert ... I secretly love when my pug licks my feet (which by the are very odd looking!)
  • I love love love to camp and I love camp food!

Feel free to contact Erin anytime at  Amongst other things, she's awesome at answering any accounting questions you may have!

Introducing Emily!

Emily_Introduction You may have already met Haute Papier's Queen of Proofing, Emily, since she's been doing it for a while, but we held her down and got her to share a few fun facts about herself, just like Kate did last week... Something tells me, Erin and I are going to have to go next!

Here's what she said:

  • *I am a coffee aficionado– I especially love iced coffee. It's part of my daily ritual (especially in the summer), but I drink it in the winter as well!  (I can attest to this one - Emily is NEVER without an iced coffee in her hand!)
  • * I spent two weeks traveling and volunteering in South Africa. Capetown is breathtaking and well worth the 19-hour flight.
  • * I am a horrible cook, but I love watching the Food Network.

Thanks for sharing Emily!!!