Host an Oscar's Party!

My only real blog read every day is Twig and Thistle.  Kathleen comes up with the cutest ideas and does an awesome job of following through on making such great downloadable materials to go with the posts.  Hop over there today to download all of these templates and more to host your own fabulous Oscar's party.  She's even done all of the work of making the ballots for you and your friends to vote with.  I love it!!!

A Plum, Lavender and Butter Affair!

As promised here's a "sweet" recap from the baby shower that Jackie and I hosted for Erin this past weekend.  All of the desserts were homemade - you can find the recipes on The District Domestic.  We'll be showing how to make the pomanders in a DIY next week - stay tuned :) Purple_Yellow_Baby_Shower_2

The Art of Coordinating Paperie

I'm a complete sucker for coordinating papierie... not to the point of being mother/daughter matching Lilly Pulitzer, but I like when things go together just right! My mom, sisters and I hosted a tea for my cousin who is getting married a couple of weekends ago and I wanted to share the pics and template for creating your own matching tea paperie.  Click here for the original post from The District Domestic.dsc_0120We created these super cute little tea bags by sewing together two pieces of very fine mesh on three sides then using embroidery floss to stitch around the top.  Once filled with tea, all it takes is pulling the thread tight to close the bag.  Here's the template for making the tags on the end of the thread.

dsc_0116Here are the tags that went on the loose leaf tea that we used to fill the homemade tea bags with.


And here are the tags for the food and favors.

Happy Tea Party!