That TYPE of day

We've been running around here trying to get our Silk Stationery line out the door all day long (and since we were successful we'll have more on that next week)!  Every one in a while when we're not glued to our computers, we'll put on a movie or one of the guilty pleasure tv shows we're not allowed to watch at home just to pass the time.  Now because Sarah and I bypassed design school, neither of us had seen the documentary "Helvetica" which has graced my my Netflix cue for some time.  We finally got around to watching it today.  For anyone who is unfamiliar, "Helvetica" traces the history of the most common typeface used today and inserts commentary by prominent typographers.  The documentary got us thinking and discussing how we use different typefaces to create emotions for our own clients.  If you're at all interested in typography it certainly is a must see.  It also provides just enough artist ranting to bring on some fits of laughter.


Sicky Sue

Last week while letterpressing, we were joking that we should letterpress some surgical masks to combat catching the flu while riding the DC metro.  We haven't seen too many masks on our local mass transit routes, but maybe a stylish letterpressed mask is just what our area is looking for.  Think about it ... A pig snout hazard sign on your mask would really keep everyone away (poor pigs, we know it's not your fault!)  Alas, it seems we were too late and now our office has come down with the flu!  Don't worry, we're sanitizing like crazy!  And in our efforts to be as healthy as possible, we've sought out some cool designer masks.  This is our current favorite ... we think it expresses our optimism that this too shall pass soon! yoriko_mask_4

Check out other masks by designer Yoriko Yoshida and stay healthy!

Crayon Rings Are Cool

Where have Timothy Liles' crayon rings been all my life?  These are just too cool for words.  Just imagine all the possibilities for the newest hand accessory on the scene.  I'm thinking better brainstorming sessions at work, nicer teacher's comments on a less than inspired paper or even the best birthday party favor ever!  But let's be honest, once you get the crayon rings on your finger are you ever really going to want to draw with them?  At $50 for 8 rings probably not!


Pick up this new twist on costume jewelry at Oye Modern.  But hurry ... they have been selling out so fast you have to pre-order!
