Valentine's Crafting!

I've got a couple of projects for you - in fact, one for every day this week!  Stay tuned for the perfect homemade bits for your loved ones! Rose_BaretteAren't these just the most darling barrettes you've ever seen?  It makes me want to be a kid again, just so I can get away with wearing them!  I came across this great tutorial on Purl Bee with all of the step-by-step directions and photos you'll need to whip them up for all of your Valentines.  Happy Crafting!

Valentine's Crafting - Part 2

felt_hearts I am a sucker for beautiful Valentine’s cards.  While I spend weeks thinking about the perfect Holiday card every year, I really enjoy thinking up the perfect Valentine.  Last  year, I whipped up up a ton of these little hearts to go along with our Haute Papier Valentine’s cards.   They’re super quick and so cute when displayed all together or strung and hung as garland.

Click here for the full tutorial and more pics.

Taggie Wreath Craft Project

Take a peak at the quick craft project I completed in preparation for Haute Papier's youngest member - due any day now!

To get started, I picked up about 35 yards of different ribbons.  I had a bit left over, but I wanted a really filled in look.  My vision was funky yet girly so variety was really important to me. I also used a 12 inch wreath ring.


My ribbons we're different widths but all were approximately the same length - right around 13 inches each when cut.  I went ahead and cut each ribbon (with GOOD fabric scissors) and laid them out for easy access.  I started by tying the cut strips around the ring starting in one area and just picking my strips at random.  I just made a basic tight knot so the ribbons stayed in place - nothing too fancy at all.   And really I just eyed the variety at the beginning.



As the ring started to get filled in and my ribbon variety decreased I went ahead and spread out the ribbons I had less of around the remaining open section of the ring.  I then proceeded to fill in from there with the ribbon I had much more of.


The wreath will be placed on my front door.  The little tag reads, "Shhh ... don't wake the baby!  Please knock quietly."


I think if I made another wreath (perhaps for my first nephew due in April) I would probably use fabric and cut each piece a bit wider - maybe about 1 inch.  That way, the different designs might not get lost as much as my more delicate ribbon did.  It would also be cool to just rip the fabric into strips instead of making clean cuts and just use rounded pinking shears on the ends to complete the look.