Crafting for Charity

One of Haute Papier's 2010 initiatives is to return to the wonderful world of crafting that we thoroughly enjoyed (read - had time for) prior to launching Haute Papier.  Many of our accomplishments with Haute Papier can be traced directly to growing up crafting and we figured getting back in the swing of things will only get the creative juices flowing in new ways! After chatting with a close friend about these new found goals, it didn't take her too long to introduce me to the idea of crafting for charity.  Each month, her crafting club donates their beautiful goods to Made 4 Aid (an organization dedicated to relief work in Darfur).  Next month's dontations, however, will be sent to Craft Hope for Haiti - an new Etsy shop benefiting Doctor's Without Borders in Haiti.  Crafters may make their donation directly through Craft Hope.  Non-crafters need not feel left out - simply pledge your support by purchasing from a ton of wonderfully hand-crafted items on the Etsy store!
