Project of the Week: Morgan & Preston


It certainly goes without saying that Sarah and I truly enjoy working on all our couture projects. Of course, there are some that stand out for me as especially special. I have absolutely loved this week's featured project since our first consultation with Morgan and Preston! I am struck by the elegant look of their invitation ... so much so that I've even thought that if I could go back I would probably do something similar!

Morgan and Preston are having a Labor Day weekend wedding on Maryland's beautiful Eastern Shore and they came to us to capture the style of their setting. We started with a shimmering silver/white pocket invitation folder and added a layer of a beautiful paisley designed paper in muted whites followed by the invitation piece with an elegant motif. The rsvp set, welcome note and accommodation card tucked neatly into the pocket below their mounted invitation piece. The final touch was cast on the outside of the invitation where we layered two shades of white satin ribbon and mounted a designed "M" monogram to match their return address. All was tucked in a matching shimmer envelope and sent off!

One of the best parts of our job is to get the response from our client's as their guests start to receive the invitations. Morgan and Preston were out of town when their invitations were mailed, but couldn't wait to get home to their mailbox after receiving texts from their friends applauding their beautiful invitations. Even their Mother's chimed in with great admiration for their design. We especially love pleasing the mothers!

In Print: "The Lettered Set"


I love this article from The New York Times last week.

Elizabeth Mayhew a lifestyle expert for the "Today" show is a stationery lover with a hutch in her New York apartment that's full to the ceiling of personalized stationery. She says writing a note involves more than “just thinking about my own style.”

“I really think about who I’m writing to and what they would appreciate, and I try to match that stylistically as best I can,” she said. “That process is such a different emphasis from writing a quick e-mail."

My favorite line from the article is from Anna Post, Emily Post’s great-great-granddaughter and the spokeswoman for the Emily Post Institute. She said the No. 1 suggestion — “we don’t use the word ‘rule’ anymore” — regarding correspondence is this: “If you think you should be sending a thank-you note instead of an e-mail, then you should.”

Wednesday Happy Hours


What's not to love about a great summer deal? Now thanks to the Georgetown BID, we can all spend some time this summer shopping, dining and relaxing around Georgetown. Each Wednesday in July and August Georgetown BID is sponsoring Happy Hours when local retailers across the neighborhood offer something special. Check out the ton of participating retailers.

Haute Papier is excited to participate in the Wednesday Happy Hours! Here's what we're offering ... if you schedule a consultation with us for any Wednesday in July and August you'll receive complimentary computer calligraphy for your event (this is valued at $1.50 per envelope!). Of course there's a bit of fine print. You must mention the Georgetown BID Happy Hours, our design guidelines and deposit must be received within one week of your meeting date and a $500 minimum order applies. Call us today for an appointment 202.337.1623!

Project of the Week: Lisa & Jay

We're busy this week completing a beautiful three color letterpress wedding suite for a destination wedding in Hilton Head, South Carolina. Lisa came to us month's ago with some ideas of what she liked and a great late-summer color scheme of plum, magenta and silver. Lisa loved the idea of a combining multiple design elements into her suite for an overall creative and cohesive look. She wanted a repeating pattern, loved the idea of a monogram and had a good amount of information to fit onto a event schedule card. Inspired by her honeymoon local (a quite Mexican resort and spa), we designed a geometric "flower" similar to what is found around the property. Lisa fell in love with the suite and they'll be hitting her guests' mailboxes soon. Here's a sneak peek ...


Orderly Ribbons

gt007_ribbonsbow1_lThis is fabulous... It's a clean, orderly and fashionable way to store rolls of ribbon.

It's Martha Stewart's Organizing Tip of the Day, which I impatiently wait to fill my inbox every morning.

They simply took copper gutters, had them cut to the size that would fit along their wall, and filled them with spools of their favorite double-faced rolls. We're always looking for new ideas that look great and help keep our plethora of supplies organized and easily available.

Happy Crafting!