Getting Ready for the NSS

printingWe're sorry for the light posting the last couple of days.  Like so many of the other companies in our industry, we're going at full speed to get ready for the National Stationery Show, which is less than two weeks away.  We leave next Wednesday for New York, so until then, for every item we take off our to do lists, we add two! Erin is out in Leesburg at our second location running Gertrude, our bigger letterpress at full speed on all the things you see in the picture above.  Getting binders ready for our stores, means tons of printing - and on lots of little things you might not have even thought about, like the little ink swatches for the color choice pages.

I'm here in Georgetown trucking away on finalizing the last couple designs for our new Luxe letterpress wedding album.  We can't wait to share pictures of moving Gertrude from Buffalo to Leesburg, but it will have to wait until after the show!  Have a great rainy day!

We Prefer Paper...

We love the new PixelPad! The pixel-based sketchpad matches the size and screen resolution of any computer, which makes it great for designing. No plugs. No batteries. No charging. Who needs an iPad when you can doodle, scribble, and design distraction-free -- all with a few flicks of the wrist! We can’t wait to try out this entertaining new device.  Pricing starts at $24.


Product Pantone

Product-Pantone We really are experiencing a Pantone craze - and not only in the design world!  Take a look at just a few of the Pantone inspired concepts in the works.  What will they think of next?

As shown:  Pantone Home Paints concept found on Behance Network, Pantone Wedding by The Dessy Group, Pantone Matryoska by Yar Rassadin, Pantone Fingernail Polish concept by Renata Veiga, and Pantone Gift Packaging by Purpose.

Flower Power - Cherry Blossom Business Cards

Cherry-Blosssom-Business-Card We just love the die cut Cherry Blossom business card our friends over at Windmill Letterpress shared with us!  Custom die cutting, done on the letterpress, creates such an impact on any project.  It sets this business card apart from any other we've seen in a while and it is SO DC!