The Sketchbook Project!

We love The Sketchbook Project created by the boys at Art House Co-op! It features sketchbooks created especially for the project by people all over the world. The best part of this project is that anyone can participate, even you! The creators receive sketchbooks from professional artists and stay-at-home moms alike, and all of the books are exhibited during their countrywide tour. 500x350The project has some themes to get the creative juices flowing, and the rest is up to you! Each participant receives a Moleskine sketchbook (one of our favorites) to fill with drawings, paintings, collages, and anything you can imagine. We love that anyone can participate and show off their creativity, and once the tour is over the books are stored at the Brooklyn Art Library for future generations to see! You can find out more about the project here!

We Prefer Paper...

We love the new PixelPad! The pixel-based sketchpad matches the size and screen resolution of any computer, which makes it great for designing. No plugs. No batteries. No charging. Who needs an iPad when you can doodle, scribble, and design distraction-free -- all with a few flicks of the wrist! We can’t wait to try out this entertaining new device.  Pricing starts at $24.
