HP is Earth Friendly!

watermk_lettraHaute Papier is proud to use Crane's Lettra for all letterpressing from our lines. What's earth friendly, you ask? Crane papers are unique in the fact that all of their paper products are 100% tree-free. It actually wasn't till the 1860s that companies started cutting down trees to use as the raw materials for their paper goods. What Crane does is use a material called “linters” as the base of their paper, which is basically the tiny fibers that cling to the cotton seed after the ginning process. These little fibers must be removed in order to efficiently extract cottonseed oil. Normally these linters would be thrown into the landfills or used as cattle feed, but Crane puts them to good use by creating their high end papers from them. On top of all this, they also take many other steps to ensure they have an environmentally friendly product, like using bleaches that are similar to Clorox which are gentler.

Also, they have their own waste water treatment facility where they process any organic waste produced in the paper making process into topsoil. So, now you know... At HP we're doing our part in all sorts of ways to help the environment!

Luxe Letterpress - Part One

Last week at the National Stationery Show, we were delighted to launch Luxe, our beautiful (if we may say so ourselves) letterpress wedding album.  In the next couple of weeks, we're going to give you some sneak peeks into the designs.  Each suite was designed to help coordinate every aspect of the couple's wedding from the save-the-date to the program and the coasters to the thank yous.  All of our letterpressing is done on Crane's 110# 100% cotton paper made right here in the good ole' USA. HautePapierLoren

Getting Ready for the NSS

printingWe're sorry for the light posting the last couple of days.  Like so many of the other companies in our industry, we're going at full speed to get ready for the National Stationery Show, which is less than two weeks away.  We leave next Wednesday for New York, so until then, for every item we take off our to do lists, we add two! Erin is out in Leesburg at our second location running Gertrude, our bigger letterpress at full speed on all the things you see in the picture above.  Getting binders ready for our stores, means tons of printing - and on lots of little things you might not have even thought about, like the little ink swatches for the color choice pages.

I'm here in Georgetown trucking away on finalizing the last couple designs for our new Luxe letterpress wedding album.  We can't wait to share pictures of moving Gertrude from Buffalo to Leesburg, but it will have to wait until after the show!  Have a great rainy day!