Slash: Paper Under the Knife

We were excited to read New York's Museum of Arts and Design will host Slash: Paper Under the Knife beginning on October 7th.  This exhibit, created mostly from artists commissioned to create a piece for specifically for MAD will showcase art made from paper to the extreme.  From the MAD website...

"Slash: Paper Under the Knife takes the pulse of the international art world's renewed interest in paper as a creative medium and source of artistic inspiration, examining the remarkably diverse use of paper in a range of art forms. Slash is the third exhibition in MAD's Materials and Process series, which examines the renaissance of traditional handcraft materials and techniques in contemporary art and design. The exhibition surveys unusual paper treatments, including works that are burned, torn, cut by lasers, and shredded. A section of the exhibition will focus on artists who modify books to transform them into sculpture, while another will highlight the use of cut paper for film and video animations."
