"How to" Videos for About.com

It's been a busy day at Haute Papier Leesburg today.  We were asked by MonkeySee.com (who we did a bunch of videos for a few years ago) to do a few series of videos for one of their partners, about.com.  We shot 24 tutorials on wedding invitations, bridal shower invitations, programs and save-the-dates in one long day!  Here are a few pics - we'll be sure to share the videos once they're out. About_dot_com_video

That's Amore ;)

InsideWeddingsWe're just so excited to share this bit of recent press with you!  Our friend, Raina, had such a beautiful wedding (that we were so delighted to design the paperie for) that we just knew it would be featured in a magazine.  And while that's so exciting, it means we have to keep the pictures a secret until it's on the newstands!  Talk about tough!!! Here are the spreads from the magazine.  Stay tuned next week when we put together an inspiration board based on the stunning styling Raina (of Raina Dawn Events) put together for her special day when she married the man of her dreams!

Congrats Raina & Guy - we're so excited for you!  (And a big thank you to Inside Weddings for including us in the article and Christian Oth for the gorgeous photography!)

Sprinkles Georgetown!

Yes, the cupcake “revolution” is getting old, but this is the real deal… Sprinkles Cupcakes… the ORIGINAL cupcake bakery!  It’s arrived here in DC – dangerously down the street from the Haute Papier design studio… but not far enough that the walk down there will burn off the calories consumed by even one cupcake (as if I am actually able to have that kind of self-restraint!)! We were able to get a sneak peek and ridiculous amount of tasting earlier this week at a preview for business owners in Georgetown and we’re beyond smitten with the deliciousness of the cake!  It’s perfectly crumbly with so much more flavor than another cupcakes shop in Georgetown, whose name we’ll leave unmentioned, but irritates the heck out of my husband – if only because its customers have no sense of the difference between the street and sidewalk as they stand googlie-eyed taking pictures of the storefront.

We also got to meet Candace (the founder) and her husband, Charles.  Candace is just adorable – complete with cute little converse tennies with her chef’s jacket.  Welcome to DC Sprinkles!!


Project of the Week: Bridget & Rick

We're loving this "peek-a-boo" save-the-date we just designed for a couple getting married in Paris, but having a wedding celebration once they're back in the states.   One of the challenges of such event was coming up with the perfect wording to imply that guests would not be witnessing their marriage, but celebrating after it had taken place.  Our bride came up with the perfect phrases to insinuate just that!  Check out the wording below.

BridgetSTDinvitation wording below

Please save the date of

July 3, 2011

to celebrate the marriage of

Bridget and Rick

in Buffalo, New York