"How to" Videos for About.com

It's been a busy day at Haute Papier Leesburg today.  We were asked by MonkeySee.com (who we did a bunch of videos for a few years ago) to do a few series of videos for one of their partners, about.com.  We shot 24 tutorials on wedding invitations, bridal shower invitations, programs and save-the-dates in one long day!  Here are a few pics - we'll be sure to share the videos once they're out. About_dot_com_video

That's Amore ;)

InsideWeddingsWe're just so excited to share this bit of recent press with you!  Our friend, Raina, had such a beautiful wedding (that we were so delighted to design the paperie for) that we just knew it would be featured in a magazine.  And while that's so exciting, it means we have to keep the pictures a secret until it's on the newstands!  Talk about tough!!! Here are the spreads from the magazine.  Stay tuned next week when we put together an inspiration board based on the stunning styling Raina (of Raina Dawn Events) put together for her special day when she married the man of her dreams!

Congrats Raina & Guy - we're so excited for you!  (And a big thank you to Inside Weddings for including us in the article and Christian Oth for the gorgeous photography!)