Getting Ready for the NSS

printingWe're sorry for the light posting the last couple of days.  Like so many of the other companies in our industry, we're going at full speed to get ready for the National Stationery Show, which is less than two weeks away.  We leave next Wednesday for New York, so until then, for every item we take off our to do lists, we add two! Erin is out in Leesburg at our second location running Gertrude, our bigger letterpress at full speed on all the things you see in the picture above.  Getting binders ready for our stores, means tons of printing - and on lots of little things you might not have even thought about, like the little ink swatches for the color choice pages.

I'm here in Georgetown trucking away on finalizing the last couple designs for our new Luxe letterpress wedding album.  We can't wait to share pictures of moving Gertrude from Buffalo to Leesburg, but it will have to wait until after the show!  Have a great rainy day!

Springtime in the District!

cherry-blossom Springtime in Washington means one thing - Cherry Blossoms!  We know Spring has arrived when our town gears up for the National Cherry Blossom Festival.  The blooming of our beautiful Cherry Blossom trees draw tourists and locals alike to the National Mall for springtime fun! This year the festival takes place from March 27th until April 11th with the peak blooms on Easter Sunday!  With being so popular, it's no wonder we receive a ton of requests for Cherry Blossom inspired wedding invitations, save-the-dates and personal stationery.  This week we'll share some of these projects and a bit of Cherry Blossom inspiration with you.  Be sure to check back!

Host an Oscar's Party!

My only real blog read every day is Twig and Thistle.  Kathleen comes up with the cutest ideas and does an awesome job of following through on making such great downloadable materials to go with the posts.  Hop over there today to download all of these templates and more to host your own fabulous Oscar's party.  She's even done all of the work of making the ballots for you and your friends to vote with.  I love it!!!

Help for Haiti

n252016704930_9551There are a couple of fundraisers going on tonight that I wanted to share... First up, come by the upstairs of Lululemon on M Street for Georgetown for Haiti.  $10 donations at the door, donate more and get a gift certificate from one of many fabulous retailers, including Haute Papier with a generous donation.  All proceeds go to Doctors Without Borders.

Or head over to Local 16 for Friday for Haiti - an evening of free food and drinks with a $25 donation to Oxfam.

Or be a really good Samaritan and hit up both - I'm going to be trying to flit from one to the other.