The Monday/Wednesday Gals!

dsc06083Hi Everyone!  Our names are Elaine Spivey and Mandy Smoot, and we are two college students interning at Haute Papier this summer.  Elaine of Fairfax, Virginia, is a rising junior and Graphic Design major at Shepherd University.  Mandy of Nokesville, Virginia, is a rising senior and Media Arts & Design major at James Madison University.  We chose to spend our summer interning at Haute Papier because we both saw it as a great opportunity to utilize our design skills and expand our creative knowledge.  Elaine is still in search of her ideal design career path, while Mandy hopes to work for a company as their graphic designer or design page layouts for a magazine publication. We are both extremely eager to learn more about Haute Papier as the summer weeks progress.  Our goal is to return to college in the fall with a portfolio that displays our broadened sense of creativity and design.  We encourage you to keep track of our weekly updates, which will include a wide variety of design topics such as wedding design plans and our inspirational paths that leads to our creative ideas!