We're in : Northern Virginia Magazine

Pick up the latest copy of Northern Virginia Magazine to see a feature on Sarah & Erin, owners of Haute Papier!  There's even a special promo for readers under their "buyer's resource" section - just be sure to call us to set up a time to visit at our warehouse in Rosslyn, Virginia.  (Georgetown is by appointment only!)

Mmmm ... cookies!

The lovely ladies of Haute Papier are back, rested and gearing up for an oh-so exciting 2012!  Though I'm sure everyone is starting to dig out of their pile of holiday treasures, I wanted to share one gift that I can't stop playing with!  Check out these awesome Fred letterpress cookie cutters sure to please any lover of letterpress and baking.  To say I'm enamored is the understatement of the season!  Thanks, Sarah for this extra thoughtful gift!