Sunday Sewing!

Leaf_GarlandaI've been waiting all week to share this sewing project that I put together last weekend!!!  Hurry out and pick up some colored leaves before they all brown to put together this garland for your door.  It didn't take long at all and lasted for a whole week before a big gust of wind pulled it down. Here's how I made it :)  First, I gathered a ton of maple leaves and since it was early in the morning and they were slightly damp, I "oven dried" them!  Yes, I put the oven on as low as it would go and gave them about 2 minutes in there so I didn't get my sewing machine totally wet when stitching them up.  DSC_0014

Then I simply ran them through the sewing machine (with white thread) being careful to make sure there were always two leaves going through at the same time so the garland had a full look to it. I just kept going until I thought it was long enough and then went outside and tried and it worked out to be the perfect length!

DSC_0029Happy Crafting!

HOMEMADE Stuffed Elephants!!!

So, with tons of friends having babies and lots of kids all around, I thought I'd share the sewing that I've been up to recently as my Make-It Monday post today.  I came across a couple of patterns for stuffed animals at Magical Scraps (amazing fabric/kids items store in Breckenridge) by Valori Wells from Stitchin' Post and couldn't resist getting Elsa the Elephant and Leonardo the Lion!  Here are some pictures of the steps in making the Elephant. Stuffed_Elephant_PatternThe pattern was very easy to follow and it's a good project for a beginning sewer.  Basically, cut out the shape, sew the edges with a seam allowance, turn and stuff, then close it up!  I can't wait to share Leonardo the Lion with you next week!  Until then, go visit Valori's site to order the patterns!  (I'm currently swooning over Prudence and Henry, a giant owl and oversized elephant!)

Baby, it's cold outside!

Cowl While I love the beauty in the golden color of the gingkos and the crunching of the cranberry and sienna tinted maple leaves under my boots on the Georgetown cobblestone sidewalks, I just can't bring myself to like the cooler temperatures that came along with the start of October.  It happens every year, Summer just slips away too fast and the holiday rush is here at Haute Papier!

While I haven't made this Make-it Monday project yet, I can't wait to find a snuggly fabric to adorn in little pom poms to cut the chill in the air!  I found it on one of my favorite blog, the purl bee.  You can find the full directions here and next time you're in NYC, be sure to stop by their store in SoHo for some amazing fabrics and yarns!

photo from the purl bee blog

A Sewing How-to to Brighten Your Day!

Napkin_TutorialLike Molly over at Purl Bee, I can't wait for Spring to arrive. I am so sick of slushy snow, grey days, and cold temperatures!  That's why when I saw her tutorial for making these super cute napkins with the little rick rack scalloping on the edges, I knew I had to go to and order some of Amy Butlers fabrics to whip up some of these super easy napkins and I had to share the tutorial! Click here for the directions, step-by-step :)  Wouldn't these be a great shower gift?  I'm thinking of whipping up a bunch and tying them together with a big luxurious satin ribbon for my sister's upcoming bridal shower.