What We Love To See

We were so thrilled to see the article featuring Hatch Show Print in the March issue of Country Living!  We love what we do around here at Haute Papier, but if the likes of Bon Iver or Lady Antebellum want to call us up to design and print a concert poster we might like it that much better.  How cool would it have been to work on a Hank Williams or Patsy Cline (ahhhh!) poster?!?!  It sounds like a visit to Jim Sherraden and the crew at Hatch Show Prints is a must on our next trip to Music City.  And here's why we love this article so much - because to us this is the perfect blend of the commercial and artistic side of letterpress and when any of us in the community get such a cool nod we all can feel proud of what we do!

Vendor Spotlight: Magnificent Milestones

Magnificent Milestones is a spectacular store in Chicago, Illinois. Kara works hard to design invitations that fits the individual and their celebration. Kara made her dreams a reality in 2007 and has been growing ever since!! I just had to ask her more questions.

How many years have you been in business? Celebrating 5 years! Do you have a website, if so, what's the address? www.magnificentmilestones.com, and a new blog The Type (www.magnificentmilestones.com/blog) If you were to sell something other than stationery, what would it be? Furniture! I love decorating. Besides the obvious (stationery), what is your favorite thing to give as a hostess gift? Wine, and/or some chocolates (aka a few of my favorite things!) Here at Haute Papier, we love to eat!  When in NYC for the National Stationery Show, where is your favorite place to grab dinner? So hard! But my all time favorite is Boom Cafe in Soho.

Thanks Kara! Congratulations on opening the new store!! See you at the Stationery Show.

Viva Snail Mail!

As many of you already know, stamp prices will rise by one cent – to 45 cents – starting January 22, 2012.  Postcards will rise in cost from 29 cents to 32 cents. International letters, standard mail, and packages will also get hit with slightly higher costs as well.

Although this is frustrating for some, I think the extra penny is a small price to pay to keep mail flying through the air! Let’s not forget how much we love sending and receiving cards in the mail. And, look at the bright side – now we can go buy some wonderful new stamp designs!

Check out this great project I found! Jeshurun Webb, a graphic designer, initiated a postcard correspondence with her mailman by sending him mail to her address and leaving a pen in her mailbox so he could reply! Read about it and see images of the postcards she created here.

Viva snail mail!